
Monday, January 12, 2009

No I was not raped by a fist

Sometimes I get inebriated and walk down angled, icy driveways and bust my lip two hours before a New Year starts.


Anonymous said...

that looks rather sore.

fair enough. though i think it's great. mintyfreshbeats is a good guy.

i finally got some photos of myself. it has been a while...

i thing that i sorta found interesting to the point of worrying is the identicalness of the lists of bands we both have on myspace.

and how on good earth do i come across as a 22 year old?


Unknown said...

auch!! hope it doesnt hurt much!

beckylou said...

awwww.... :S
I hope you still had a very happy new years-eve!

Anonymous said...


(nice blog btw, love your photos)